Privacy Policy

Master takes the online privacy of its customers very seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.

Whether you register with us or use the site anonymously, the information we collect centers around your name, address, contact number(s), email ID, payment preferences, credit/debit card numbers, bank account details, etc. This information will only be used, at the minimum, for the following purposes:

  • To fill, process and ship your orders
  • Contacting you for customer service and support
  • Improving your browsing experience of the Master website

No information will be revealed to any third-party entities for any purposes and your information will solely be used by Master.

Please note that we use cookies to keep track of the frequency of your visits to our website, the contents of your shopping cart, purchase history and to deliver specific content designed to give you a uniquely personalized shopping experience. Most browsers generally accept cookies automatically, and you may change this setting if you wish to. You will still be able to access most of our website’s functionality, including the ability to make purchases.

Registered users (who are using cookie-enabled web browsers) will be automatically signed in when they visit our website. Please note that users will be prompted to sign in again after 14 days, when the cookie expires.

By browsing our website, you agree to abide by all our policies, which may be subject to change any time.

Your use of this website (hereinafter referred to as the ‘site’) and its related sites, services and tools). These Terms and conditions are effective upon acceptance and governs the relationship between you and Master Enterprises Pvt. Ltd a company incorporated under the company’s ordinance, 1984 (Pakistan) having its registered office at S-30, S.I.T.E, Mauripur Road, Karachi, Pakistan (hereinafter the ‘Company’ including the sales and supply of any products on this site.

Shipping & Returns Policy

As per our policy your order shall be cancelled without any prior intimation in case of wrong address/phone number, when the premises of the given Address is locked, intended recipient is not available, Customer is not receiving call etc.

All furniture items are made to order and delivered within 15 to 20 working days after payment confirmation. Please note delivery charges and fabric availability will be confirmed over order confirmation call.

Returns are not acceptable!

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